Monday 21 October 2013

BPO Blues: The Challenges Faced by Contact Centers in the Philippines

In the recent years, the Philippines has gained the reputation of being one of the top business process outsourcing (BPO) destinations even around the world. This isn’t really surprising since the Pearl of the Orient Seas does have a lot to offer to companies that need offshoring services. However, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that the contact center industry in the Philippines is not all milk and honey. After all, most (if not all) BPO companies in the entire country face several challenges, too. These include:

Low talent supply
The Philippines produces thousands of college graduates every year and can therefore provide numerous workers. However, the problem lies in the quality of the workforce, as many of these graduates don’t really have the skills necessary in B2B telemarketing and other contact center jobs. As a result, many BPO firms find it hard to look for qualified employees and sustain their growth.

Rising operating costs
The improvement of the Philippine peso is a blessing to the country, but it also poses a huge challenge to companies that offer call center service. Power costs have also become a problem, especially in Manila where electricity has become an expensive commodity.

Negative image perception
Many Filipino employees earn high salaries from taking customer service calls and doing additional contact center tasks. However, a lot of people (especially parents) think that working in business process outsourcing is not a viable career option. This can discourage many qualified employees from applying in call centers and using their skills and talents to help the BPO sector.

BPO companies in the Philippines face several challenges, but these problems can be solved if the contact center industry and the Philippine government would work hand in hand. Once they do, it will be easy to sustain the growth of business process outsourcing in the country and create a brighter future for everyone.

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