Thursday 7 November 2013

Trends To Watch Out For in 21st Century Call Center Services

Business process outsourcing companies are continuously facing many challenges in order to maintain customer satisfaction. There are a number of strategies that may be employed so that clients receive a personalized and seamless experience. One strategy is to embrace emerging trends and technological innovations to provide better customer service to customers.

There are many trends that are now redefining the BPO industry. These trends are not just applicable to call centers but to the answering service aspect as well.

One of the most dominant trends is the provision of agile service. To simplify, 21st century customers are expecting that a conversation which started with a phone call or a chat over the Internet can also be completed via SMS or a tweet sent to their smartphones. BPO companies have learned that it is now essential to make sure that they are equipped for multi-platform interactions such that conversations happen smoothly and an uninterrupted manner. Since the use of social media in BPO is also rising up to an all-time high, agile services are becoming more and more necessary.

These days, customer service calls are also being upgraded in terms of technology, particularly with video support. It is predicted that the next two years will see video support in the mainstream. The use of video content is two-way. Customers can receive video content about products and services on their computers or mobile devices. The buying public can also initiate conversations with customer service representatives using platforms that provide both audio and video interactions. Some companies are already making use of video support and are already reaping the benefits of having a more in depth and multi-dimensional conversation with their patrons.

The bar has definitely been raised and companies that fail to deliver call center services that are up to par soon find themselves losing customers. It could be a very helpful strategy for BPO companies to keep abreast of trends and new developments.

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