Wednesday 18 December 2013

Getting in touch through telemarketing

Telemarketing, offered as part of call center services, always evolve to meet the changing demands of the market. Together with answering services, Telemarketing has become a huge industry due to the high volume of potential customers. A lot of companies are understaffed, needing assistance in some of their business activities. Other businesses, mainly involved in sales, need help in generating leads for new products, or hold market surveys or marketing campaigns. The rivalry between companies is harsh, and it is sometimes necessary to require the services of a business-to-business (B2B) telemarketing company to speed up a product’s introduction to many people.

Business process outsourcing can benefit a company by offshoring the marketing efforts for the new product. The BPO can easily mount the new campaign in a short time, because they have the right expertise in channeling the efforts. The outsourcer does not necessarily waste money, as there is a “per call” or “per click” option that only has to be paid when a sale is closed.

BPO personnel are highly trained to build rapport. Because of this, they can easily put potential customers at ease and start an upsell without difficulty. Getting your own team may require more training before being deployed. Telemarketers need only to know what the product is all about.

Add customer services calls to the mix, and you have both outbound and inbound calls about your product. The customer service end handles all incoming inquiries generated by traditional marketing methods. Another advantage to outsourcing services like these is the ease of termination of the service. If they can’t deliver, the contract is voided.

Customer Benefits Services offers telemarketing service packages, ensuring that your marketing campaign is properly run. With a company like CBS, you can watch your sales shoot up.

Monday 9 December 2013

How to Maximize the Benefits of BPO

Business process outsourcing companies have shown to both big and small companies alike that working with them guarantees increasing operational efficiency, higher revenues, and greater savings. There are so many other benefits of partnering with BPO vendors. Outsourcing certain business functions is one of the most practical strategies for lowering overhead costs. 

The main advantages of outsourcing

Utilizing the resources of third party groups has become popular amongst business executives worldwide. There have seen first-hand that there is nothing smarter than assigning specialists with ample experience in handling critical function such as payroll, HR, order processing, and storage, among others. 

Veteran BPOs already have amazing solutions to many different business needs. Since some of them are industry pioneers, they are also at the very forefront of developing and creating new and better methods that further cut down costs. 

Maximizing outsourcing services

There are activities that are at the very core of business operations. These are not the aspects of company operations that are usually outsourced. For example, call center services and answering service, which are peripheral functions, are two of the most usual aspects of customer service that businesses entrust to their BPO partners. 

In partnering with BPO firms, businesses are given many opportunities for growth. For one, they can maximize the expertise of outsourcing personnel who have honed their skills with years of experience in their industry. There is also an opportunity to benefit from the use of the most technologically innovative equipment and tools. As a matter of fact, any business that has the right partner in the BPO industry would not need to avail for itself expensive, state-of-the-art equipment for services such as customer service calls. With high performing BPO vendors, everything is set and ready for customer interaction.

Going beyond the basics

There is so much that BPO firms have to offer their potential customers. There are analytics tools that could revolutionize business strategies. There are BPO vendors that not only provide high performance services, but adaptable and flexible contingency plans as well. In relation to this, clients have learned to expect much more from BPO vendor. They have come to rely on their help in advancing their own business strategies and in making smart decisions for the future of their business enterprise.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Step Up Your Business Operations With Outsourcing

Companies who are still ambivalent about becoming involved with BPO vendors need to wake up to the benefits of outsourcing or they will totally miss out. It is quite understandable why some companies are taking their time before availing of let’s say, call center services from a third party. After all, the BPO vendor through its employees will serve as the face and the voice of one’s business. Choosing a wrong frontline for a corporation could spell doom for any business. Despite the savings that can be incurred in not having to train and monitor manpower to implement back-office functions, the persistent ambivalence is quite understandable.

Make the right choice

Nevertheless, with the right choice, the benefits are multifold. If a BPO firm is a dependable provider of high quality customer interactions, then one important aspect—perhaps the most important one—is taken care of. Business process outsourcing employees who have received ample training and are properly motivated can execute customer care services, and not just limited to answering service. The very best BPOs maintain a monitoring and quality control system that weed out any component that is not up to par. Quality assurance teams are in place and they function in a proactive manner. Knowing about this aspect of BPO service delivery might change the mind of some companies that are still somewhat on the fence on the question about taking advantage of what BPO vendors offer.

Say goodbye to indecision

Think about it. If you fledgling business will benefit from having a team assigned to customer service calls, do you have the resources to hire, train, and monitor additional staff? Think about this as well. Do you have a budget for the hardware and software that will enable your customer service representatives to interact with potential buyers on multiple platforms? Rather than allocate money that you do not yet have to put up your own customer service set-up, why don’t you just hire an outsourcing firm that has been in it for a decade or so?

The integrated and optimized solutions that you need are already established offerings of various BPO vendors out there. The only task you need to accomplish is to choose from a line-up of BPO companies.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Trends To Watch Out For in 21st Century Call Center Services

Business process outsourcing companies are continuously facing many challenges in order to maintain customer satisfaction. There are a number of strategies that may be employed so that clients receive a personalized and seamless experience. One strategy is to embrace emerging trends and technological innovations to provide better customer service to customers.

There are many trends that are now redefining the BPO industry. These trends are not just applicable to call centers but to the answering service aspect as well.

One of the most dominant trends is the provision of agile service. To simplify, 21st century customers are expecting that a conversation which started with a phone call or a chat over the Internet can also be completed via SMS or a tweet sent to their smartphones. BPO companies have learned that it is now essential to make sure that they are equipped for multi-platform interactions such that conversations happen smoothly and an uninterrupted manner. Since the use of social media in BPO is also rising up to an all-time high, agile services are becoming more and more necessary.

These days, customer service calls are also being upgraded in terms of technology, particularly with video support. It is predicted that the next two years will see video support in the mainstream. The use of video content is two-way. Customers can receive video content about products and services on their computers or mobile devices. The buying public can also initiate conversations with customer service representatives using platforms that provide both audio and video interactions. Some companies are already making use of video support and are already reaping the benefits of having a more in depth and multi-dimensional conversation with their patrons.

The bar has definitely been raised and companies that fail to deliver call center services that are up to par soon find themselves losing customers. It could be a very helpful strategy for BPO companies to keep abreast of trends and new developments.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Technological Innovations and Efficiency of BPO Services

One way to create more efficiency in Business Process Outsourcing operations is to maximize existing technology. Current trends in information technology have not only upgraded Answering Services, but technological innovations have proven quite helpful in lowering costs, thus decreasing stresses due to budgetary limitations.

BPO services have evolved in the past decade. There was a time when IT functions and BPO were not at all integrated, but now it has become the norm. These days, information technology platforms are at the very core and are one of the primary considerations of clients when they choose service providers. Aligning IT processes with business requirements is one of the current challenges for service providers as well. For instance, Offshoring is not the only answer to lowering overhead costs. Automation has become a popular alternative.

The following are some of the more popular innovations that have been integrated by service providers in their operations:

  • Cloud technologies. The customers of a BPO company that implements cloud technologies get more value for their money.
  • Social media platforms. B2B Telemarketing and other activities that involve dealing directly with customers now include the social media. These platforms are being used extensively within BPO because they are not only effective. They also decrease overhead costs.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This markedly reduces capital costs and ensures rapid deployment and implementation. Saas capabilities allow for more flexible solutions in staffing and personnel as well.
Many companies that utilize BPO teams for Customer Service Calls and other services recognize the fact that technology is an essential component of the functions provided by BPO companies. When technological innovations are used properly, operations such as Callcenter services are more streamlined and ultimately more effective. Having a more standard and unified technology platform lessens the number of systems needed to implement tasks and activities amounting to lesser overhead costs.

Monday 21 October 2013

BPO Blues: The Challenges Faced by Contact Centers in the Philippines

In the recent years, the Philippines has gained the reputation of being one of the top business process outsourcing (BPO) destinations even around the world. This isn’t really surprising since the Pearl of the Orient Seas does have a lot to offer to companies that need offshoring services. However, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that the contact center industry in the Philippines is not all milk and honey. After all, most (if not all) BPO companies in the entire country face several challenges, too. These include:

Low talent supply
The Philippines produces thousands of college graduates every year and can therefore provide numerous workers. However, the problem lies in the quality of the workforce, as many of these graduates don’t really have the skills necessary in B2B telemarketing and other contact center jobs. As a result, many BPO firms find it hard to look for qualified employees and sustain their growth.

Rising operating costs
The improvement of the Philippine peso is a blessing to the country, but it also poses a huge challenge to companies that offer call center service. Power costs have also become a problem, especially in Manila where electricity has become an expensive commodity.

Negative image perception
Many Filipino employees earn high salaries from taking customer service calls and doing additional contact center tasks. However, a lot of people (especially parents) think that working in business process outsourcing is not a viable career option. This can discourage many qualified employees from applying in call centers and using their skills and talents to help the BPO sector.

BPO companies in the Philippines face several challenges, but these problems can be solved if the contact center industry and the Philippine government would work hand in hand. Once they do, it will be easy to sustain the growth of business process outsourcing in the country and create a brighter future for everyone.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Success in Outsourcing: Things You Need to Be Aware Of

Outsourcing has been widely practiced by thousands of companies worldwide. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and measurable; hence, more and more businesses are adapting to this innovative solution.

But is outsourcing to a BPO company for you?

Well, if you want to streamline your crucial tasks, you need to consider offshoring non-core activities, like manufacturing, marketing, etc. To ensure success, here are some tips you can use:
  1. You need to outsource for the right reasons.
You have to determine why you want to outsource your call center services. If there are problems that are best handled by your own staff, taking it to other companies may only make matters worse. It’s important that you solve any issues within your team first because contracting out should only be done to improve processes.

  1. You have to thoroughly look into each vendor.
If you want to contract out your B2B telemarketing services, you need to look into the company’s background and track record. This is to make sure that you have chosen the right company who can offer excellent results and good value for your money.

  1. You should seek advice.
Whether you are outsourcing paperwork, customer service calls, or any other business process, you have to consult experts if you want to succeed. This is crucial if this is your first time to outsource work out and if offshoring will potentially expose your company to significant risks. Besides, seeking advice from a consultant can help you better evaluate your needs and choose a reliable service provider.

Once you have built a good relationship with a third-party company, you have to remember that complacency may lead to disaster. Keep in mind that you need to exert sufficient effort to ensure that all your hard work is paying off. So assess your specific business needs thoroughly for higher possibility of success.